§討論區§ 廟宇搜尋 媽祖聖籤 即時影像
頭彩商店 觀音求籤 優惠訊息 幸運號碼
熱門APP 笑話大全 名言佳句 生活博士
發表:Natalie2001/1/1 下午 02:19:35
yep yep...
Never have you told me how much you love me, truly, madly
Never have you told me how much you care
Never have you put a little love sign in your eyes
Never have your heart beated as fast as mine
Now you tell me what to do
Should I just let go
or admitt that I loose
The world ain’t gonna change its color
just cause’ you’re fallin’ off the edge of my life





§討論區§ 廟宇搜尋 媽祖聖籤 即時影像
頭彩商店 觀音求籤 優惠訊息 幸運號碼
熱門APP 笑話大全 名言佳句 生活博士